In the late 60's, in a time when country music and musicians were seen as the furthest thing from hip or cool, Gram Parsons and a few others began to embrace and incorporate country music into the rock and roll realm. Once, when asked if he was trying to play rock or country or soul or what, Gram responded that "it's all Cosmic American Music." Since then, the music world has never been the same. From Parson's vision, a whole new style of music was born and its popularity is still evident today. "Alt-Country, "Americana," "New Weird American," "Anti-Folk," or whatever you want to call it, this music is linked by a sincere appreciation and acknowledgment of the music that came before it. On the Cosmic American Music Show, host Brad Watson honors Parson's legacy and focuses on artists who have dipped into the rich well of rock, country, old-time and bluegrass to create their own brand of new and original music. From Gram and The Byrds to Whiskeytown, from The Band to Uncle Tupelo, from Merle Haggard to Gillian Welch, each week The Cosmic American Music Show covers the best in Alt-Country and Americana music.